Shea-Porter Statement on House Passage of VA MISSION Act


Date: May 16, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Shea-Porter (NH-01) today released the following statement after voting "yes' on the VA MISSION Act. The bill extends the current VA Choice program for another year and creates a new consolidated Community Care program that will go into effect when the current Choice program expires.

"Since 2015, the VA has urged Congress to pass legislation to reform and consolidate the VA's Community Care programs with the aim of creating a program that is easy for veterans to use and simple to administer. In April of last year, I wrote to Congressional leadership asking them to pass such a bill. The VA has seven programs, including the Choice program, that authorize private care, and each program has its own payment rates, eligibility rules, and business processes. That's confusing to veterans, providers, and VA employees, and makes it harder for veterans to access the care they deserve. The VA MISSION Act is the product of bipartisan negotiations that have taken place over the last year, and it has the support of 38 veterans service organizations. I am pleased the House has passed this critical legislation to create a permanent program for veterans to access private care when the VA is unable to meet their health care needs.

"The VA MISSION Act includes several provisions that are critical to Granite State veterans. It will continue to allow veterans in states that do not have a full service VA hospital to access Community Care at the election of the veteran. In the new program, the Manchester VA's Office of Community Care will be fully responsible for coordinating veterans' care, meaning veterans will rely less on ineffective contractors to access care. It also includes an expansion of the VA caregivers program, which will help more veterans stay in their homes where they want to be. I am disappointed that this new program potentially might not have a sufficient funding stream next year. I am excited, however, to see the creation of a Community Care program that will meet the needs of our nation's veterans without putting the VA on the path to privatization. I expect Members of the House next year will find the funds to honor our commitment to those who served our nation."
