Sen. Cruz: "We Need to Be Doing Everything Humanly Possible to Stop This From Ever Happening Again'

Press Release

By: Ted Cruz
By: Ted Cruz
Date: May 18, 2018
Location: Santa Fe, TX

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), today with Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and law enforcement officials, participated in a press conference to provide updates and a message of support following the senseless shooting at Santa Fe High School. Excerpts of Sen. Cruz's message to the Santa Fe community are below and video of his comments may be viewed here.

"I'll tell the people of Santa Fe, you are right now being lifted up at this instant in prayers by millions of people across Texas, across the country, and across the world. And in the public policy arena, we need to be doing everything humanly possible to stop this from ever happening again. To stop violent criminals. To stop them from getting firearms. To stop them from getting access to schools. To incarcerate them when they try to illegally purchase firearms.

"In the days ahead, we'll discover more about this particular shooter. About what red flags, what warning signs there may have been or there may not have been. And I am sure we'll have a robust conversation about what more could have been done to prevent this horrible atrocity. But Texas, as a state, we'll make it through this. This community, Santa Fe, will make it through this, leaning on each other, praying for each other, standing with each other. We will make it through this.

"And we thank the incredible heroes that we saw today. Those in law enforcement that rushed into harm's way, teachers and students, we know that we are going to hear the bravery that manifested in the face of evil. Bravery that we know was done, at least in some instances, at great cost and great sacrifice, including the sacrifice of people's own lives. And so, we celebrate that bravery, that courage, and at the same time we grieve the horror of this mass murder."
