Matsui Statement on California's Participation in Lawsuit Against Trump Administration Over Vehicle Emission Standards


Date: May 1, 2018
Location: Sacramento, CA

Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06) issued the following statement on California's participation in a lawsuit with 17 other states and the District of Columbia over the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) April 2 Final Determination to weaken vehicle emissions standards:

"California has led the way when it comes to acting on climate, and I support our state's firm commitment to that continued mission. The Trump Administration has demonstrated a complete unwillingness to accept the extensive evidence supporting existing vehicle emissions standards. These standards were developed through a comprehensive process, and meet a well-documented need to protect public health and the environment. I will continue to advocate in Congress for the preservation of one strong national standard, which ultimately benefits consumers."

Matsui has introduced legislation to codify the EPA and the Department of Transportation (DOT) standards that were created in 2012 for light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) for model years 2021 to 2025.

Additionally, Matsui led a letter on April 30 asking Administrator Pruitt for the data and analyses on the safety, technology readiness, and environmental and public health impacts that the EPA relied upon to support the Final Determination. Matsui also called for that information at an April 26 Energy & Commerce hearing at which Pruitt testified.
