Issue Position: Confront Climate Change and Create a Renewable Energy Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Despite what some in the new administration may say, it's well-established that human activity contributes to climate change. The warming climate and extreme weather events are an increasing threat to our environment and our economy, and it's past time for Congress to take meaningful action to confront it and create a clean energy economy.

I have a strong record of working to reduce Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels by supporting legislation that created Oregon's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) when I was in the Oregon Legislature. Under RPS, Oregon's largest utilities will supply 25 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Additionally, I support increased resources for weatherization assistance to increase the energy efficiency of homes, as well as state energy programs that fund energy efficiency projects at hospitals and schools to conserve energy and save money on utility bills.

As the top Democrat on the Environment Subcommittee of the Science, Space and, Technology Committee, I regularly stand up for the Environmental Protection Agency and against policies that would harm our environment. I continually strive to set the record straight on climate science and urge my colleagues to take action to protect our natural resources from the effects of climate change. And I am a proud member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus.

Oregon has been a leader in creating jobs while protecting the environment. Investing in clean and renewable energy will continue to create jobs, curb climate change, and reduce our reliance on foreign fossil fuels.

As your U.S. Representative, I will continue to fight for Congress to take meaningful steps to address climate change and defend our planet for the generations to come -- and stop roll backs on the progress we have made to curb climate change.
