Blumenauer Statement on House GOP Farm Bill Markup


Date: April 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Earl Blumenauer (OR-03), a leading voice in Congress for reforming our nation's agriculture policy, released the following statement ahead of the Agriculture Committee markup of the House Republican Farm Bill:

"Our nation's food policy is woefully out of step with what Americans need and want. For too long, we've paid too much to the wrong people to grow the wrong foods in the wrong places. The House GOP Farm Bill doubles down on this failed philosophy, helping those who need it the least at the expense of those who need help the most.

"We can and should do better. We need food and farm policies that increase -- not reduce-- access to healthy foods; support ALL farmers -- not just the wealthy few; invest in conservation efforts--not undercut them; and much more. The House GOP Farm Bill utterly fails to enact the reforms we desperately need, and will instead make things worse for families, farmers, and the environment."

In November, Blumenauer introduced a comprehensive alternative Farm Bill. H.R. 4425, the Food and Farm Act, that advances Farm Bill reforms based on four principles: (1) focusing resources on those who need it most; (2) fostering innovation; (3) encouraging investments in people and the planet; and (4) ensuring access to healthy foods.

Blumenauer's legislation is the result of his "Sing Your Own Farm Bill" project, a multi-year effort to engage a wide variety of stakeholders in creating a more visionary, equitable, and cost-effective Farm Bill. As part of this project, Blumenauer has met with agricultural researchers, farmworkers, nutrition advocates, conservation interests, winemakers, nurseries, wheat growers, small and mid-sized farmers and ranchers, processors, agricultural policy advocates, and more. Together, they have brainstormed how federal agricultural policies could be shaped to better meet everyone's needs--not just a select few. The Food and Farm Act includes the policy priorities that have grown out of this feedback.
