Faso Statement on Passing of First Lady Barbara Bush


Date: April 17, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

"The best reflection of a person's character is what those around them say. By all accounts, Barbara Bush is one of the most humble, decent, and kind-hearted people to ever serve our country. Her service as First Lady during and after President George H.W. Bush's term serves as a beacon of decency in a political world that is often nasty and unrelenting.

"Nearly thirty years ago, I was in Maine and by chance had the opportunity to visit with the Bush Family. Without hesitation, Barbara welcomed us into her family's home and gave my son, at the time three or four years old, the same toys to play with that her family's children played with.

"My heart goes out to the Bush family as they mourn the loss of Barbara Bush. An entire nation is with them."
