The American People Face A Clear Choice

Floor Speech


Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, the American people face a clear choice about the way forward: the Republican raw deal or the Democratic better deal.

House Republicans want to take away healthcare from more than 23 million Americans--raw deal; Democrats want to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and dramatically lower the cost of prescription drugs--better deal.

House Republicans have a fake infrastructure plan that will do nothing to repair our Nation's crumbling bridges, roads, and tunnels-- raw deal; Democrats have a real infrastructure plan that would invest $1 trillion and create 16 million good-paying jobs--better deal.

House Republicans passed a tax scam where 83 percent of the benefits went to the wealthiest 1 percent in America simply to subsidize the lifestyles of the rich and shameless--raw deal; Democrats want a permanent tax cut for working families so we can put more money into the pockets of everyday Americans--better deal.

House Republicans want to cut more than $2 trillion from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid--raw deal; Democrats want to strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid so that senior citizens from throughout the land can live out their golden years with grace and dignity. That is A Better Deal.

House Republicans are all about chaos, crisis, and confusion; Democrats are working to deliver better jobs, better wages, and a better future.

The American people deserve A Better Deal.

