Luján Statement On Republican "Balanced Budget" Amendment


Congressman Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) today issued the following statement on H.J. Res. 2, the Republican "balanced budget" amendment voted on in the House:

"This Republican measure is not a serious attempt at fiscal responsibility. Congressional Republicans are now going after the most vulnerable citizens in our society after adding trillions to our deficit through their reckless tax scam.

"This amendment will result in deep and lasting cuts to Social Security and Medicare. It would slash services to Americans who need them most -- services like meals or heating for those living paycheck to paycheck or those physically unable to manage basic needs without outside assistance.

"Cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits would be devastating for millions of Americans. Social Security is the principal source of income for half of senior citizens, and roughly one in five households depend on Social Security benefits for 90 percent or more of their income. Individuals who have contributed their entire working lives to have financial security during their golden years would see their retirement income disappear and health care out-of-pocket costs skyrocket, making life difficult and peace of mind impossible."
