House Advances Bills to Rebuild Trust & Accountability at the IRS


Date: April 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement after the House passed several bills to safeguard taxpayer information and improve customer service at the IRS.

"This week, as Americans filed their taxes for the last time under the old tax code, the people's House is also advancing solutions to renew trust and accountability at the Internal Revenue Service. Specifically, we passed more than a dozen bills to safeguard taxpayer information, protect people from identity theft and fraud, and refocus the IRS to make sure it's putting customer service first. For example, Rep. Carlos Curbelo's (R-FL) legislation enhances protections to keep children from becoming victims of identity theft. Rep. Lynn Jenkins' (R-KS) bill provides additional protections for taxpayers, including an independent appeals process and better access to information, and requires the agency to submit a plan to Congress on ways it can improve taxpayer services. Finally, Rep. Mike Bishop's (R-MI) solution will restore accountability by ensuring that the IRS better protects taxpayer information as it replaces outdated technology, like fax machines."

"Our new tax code under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act deserves a new, 21st-Century IRS that people trust and can hold accountable, and I'm proud to pass these bills through the House on behalf of the American taxpayer."
