Statement By Senator John Mccain On The Passing Of Barbara Bush


Date: April 17, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement today on the passing of former First Lady Barbara Bush:

"Cindy and I are deeply saddened by the passing of former First Lady Barbara Bush, but we take comfort in knowing she spent her last moments surrounded by the ones she loved the most. A devoted wife, loving mother and proud grandmother, Barbara understood that the greatest joy in life comes from putting the needs of others before yourself. Barbara carried this remarkable selflessness and a firm resolve into the White House where she dedicated her service as First Lady to advancing literacy -- a cause that continues through her foundation today.

"Barbara remains an example to all of us of kindness and patriotism, and will fondly be remembered for her courage, grit and intense loyalty to those she loved and cared for. We send our prayers and condolences to the entire Bush family as they mourn the loss of an extraordinary woman."
