Hoyer Statement on the Introduction of House Republicans' Partisan Farm Bill


Date: April 12, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Republicans released text of their partisan Farm bill:

"The farm bill draft introduced today by Republicans on the Agriculture Committee doubles-down on their assault against families and children on the edge of hunger. It imposes the kind of strict work requirements that, in the past, have only served to kick people off assistance and deepen poverty without meaningfully increasing employment. Republicans ought to recognize that taking nutrition assistance away from Americans enduring hunger is the wrong way to win the war on poverty. The farm bill ought to focus on helping children, the elderly, and those with disabilities instead of being used for a partisan, ideological attack on successful anti-poverty programs.

"Federal nutrition assistance helps more than 40 million Americans keep from going hungry. I urge Committee Republicans to go back to the drawing board and work with Democrats to write a bipartisan farm bill that does not shortchange low-income children and their families."
