Congressman MacArthur's Statement on Bipartisan Omnibus Passage

Press Release

Date: March 22, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman MacArthur released the following statement after Congress passed bipartisan legislation that would fund the government through the fiscal year:

It's important that members from both parties were able to come together and pass legislation that would fund the government through the fiscal year. This bill invests in our nation's security both here and abroad, while addressing some of South Jersey's top priorities.

It provides the biggest increase in defense funding in 15 years, ensuring the South Jersey's largest employer, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, receives the funding it needs and our military has enough resources to respond to changing threats around the world. This includes $2.9 billion for the new KC-46 tankers, which is vital to the survival of the Joint Base and our nation's security.

Additionally, this bill fully funds a much-needed pay raise for our troops, ensuring we are caring for members of our Armed Forces and their families.

This legislation also focuses on key issues that are impacting our communities. It provides new funding for school safety including fully funding the instant background check system, money for school and law enforcement grants, and funding for mental health services. Our children's safety should not be a partisan issue and I'm grateful Congress is taking these important steps to protect them.

Many communities in South Jersey have been devastated by the opioid crisis and as co-chair of the Bipartisan Heroin Task Force, combating this epidemic is a top priority for me. The opioid epidemic is a multi-faceted crisis that requires a comprehensive response. This legislation addresses that by providing $4 billion to combat our nation's drug crisis to invest in treatment, prevention, and local law enforcement efforts.
