National Agriculture Day

Floor Speech

By: Ted Yoho
By: Ted Yoho
Date: March 20, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, President Trump has declared today to be National Agriculture Day, a time of celebration and gratefulness to our Nation's farmers and ranchers. Whether we realize it or not, agriculture is a part of all of our daily lives from morning until night. In fact, each American farmer feeds over 144 people, providing vital nutrition, and helping us better connect with our God-given resources.

Every $1 of United States agricultural products and food exports creates another $1.27 in business activity. Our country's agricultural exports are valued at more than $100 billion, including $4 billion from my own home State of Florida. Every $1 billion in exports supports approximately 8,000 American jobs. That is over 8 million jobs created by agriculture.

While celebrations such as these mark tremendous achievements for U.S. agriculture, we must continue to construct policies that supports and strengthens all of our farmers and ranchers. As lawmakers, let us make this celebration a time of action and work towards initiatives that continually uplift our ag industry.

