Rooney Statement on HPSCI Decision to End Russia Probe


Congressman Thomas J. Rooney, a senior member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), released the following statement regarding the Committee's decision to conclude its bipartisan investigation into Russian active measures targeting the 2016 election:

"After exhaustive document review and interviews with witnesses and government officials, the House Intelligence Committee's investigation has found no evidence of collusion or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. At the same time, there is no dispute that Russia's intention to infiltrate our democratic processes can be ignored. States must begin to prepare themselves now to protect the integrity of our elections for 2018 and beyond," Rooney said. "When we began our investigation into what occurred leading up to the 2016 elections, our ultimate goal was to make timely recommendations for Congress, the executive branch and for states to improve election security in advance of the 2018 election. The clock is ticking. We're now nine months out, and the threat of Russian interference has not diminished. Make no mistake: this is a close to just one chapter in the threat posed by Moscow -- which began well before the investigation -- but our work does not stop here, and this Committee's oversight over Russian threats to the U.S. will continue."
