Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Immigration

Much of our strength, success, and security as a state and as a country depends on the immigrants who contribute to our society as together we build the American Dream. Any honest immigration reform must reflect the value of immigrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers by providing a path to work, family reunification and citizenship.

At a time when the border with Mexico has never been safer, and when we've never spent so much on border security, the surest way to improve safety and security is not to build a wall or spend billions more, but to ensure that we are maximizing the potential from everyone in this state, treating each other with respect and dignity.

Here's how we do that:

End the militarization of our immigration enforcement system, and close private immigration prisons and detention centers that profit from locking up families.
Pass the DREAM Act and ensure that undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children, known as "Dreamers', find a permanent home and citizenship in the U.S.
Ensure that those who come to our borders seeking refuge from violence and persecution are given a fair opportunity to present their claims and guaranteed due process under our laws.
Improve the immigration system to encourage and facilitate family reunification, education, and the investment of talent in our country.
Modernize the visa system to allow U.S. employers to find workers for jobs that American workers can't fill.
Reform our immigration laws to legalize the status of millions of immigrants already in our country and ensure a fair path to citizenship for those inspired by the opportunity and ideals that we present to the rest of the world.
