Rep. Chu Condemns USCIS Decision to Strike "Nation of Immigrants" from Mission Statement


By: Judy Chu
By: Judy Chu
Date: Feb. 23, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

On Thursday, it was reported that the United States Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS) would strike the phrase "nation of immigrants" from their mission statement. Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following reaction:

"In Southern California, we are a majority minority region and thriving because of it. Deleting words cannot change that reality, and it cannot change our history. But it does embolden those who want to find irrational reasons for discrimination. It comes as no surprise that this change came one day before Trump once again portrayed immigrants as criminals to the conservative CPAC audience, despite the truth that immigrants commit fewer crimes. They cannot win on the facts and so they are trying to win through narrative. They're going to be disappointed.

"This is a cosmetic change in every sense of the word. It changes appearances, not reality. And, like cosmetics, it's all about color. The truth of this presidency was laid bare when he told Senators that he wants more immigrants from countries like Norway, not from "s---hole countries' in Africa. Or how he smears family immigration when used by Asians and Latinos, but is silent on whether or not it was a good policy for his own in-laws. The truth is, we are a nation of immigrants and we are better off for it. Someday, this administration will be gone, but our exceptional status as a country where anybody from anywhere in the world can be a productive citizen will remain."
