Calling for Sensible Gun Reform

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 15, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SOTO. Madam Speaker, I do not rise today for another moment of silence for Parkland, Florida, for the semiautomatic weapon and shooter who wielded it already silenced 17 Floridians and injured countless others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Instead, I rise to make their voices heard. I rise to call for action on sensible gun reform. The Parkland shooter likely got his semiautomatic weapon through a private sale or a gun show without a background check, in spite of a record of mental health issues.

It is time to close that loophole. The Las Vegas shooter used a bump stock to convert a semiautomatic weapon into an automatic weapon--which is already illegal. Bump stocks should also be illegal.

Why is nothing happening? In my own home of Orlando, the shooter at the Pulse nightclub was on the FBI watch list. Imagine if we passed no fly, no buy and stopped that from happening.

Now is not the time for silence. Now is the time for action, and now is time for solutions.

