Issue Position: Tax Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Betsy opposes any tax plan that gives handouts to millionaires at the expense of the American middle class. She will promote solutions that build our ecomomy from the middle out not the top down. Betsy believes that tax reform should benefit our hard-working families and encourage job growth here in the United States.

Betsy will work to:
*Retain deductions and credits for medical expenses, teachers, graduate students, student loans, and other individual breaks needed to help families
*Incentivize businesses to invest in apprenticeships and job-training programs
*Prevent corporations from hiding profits overseas to avoid paying their taxes by moving to a sales apportionment tax based system such as those employed at the state levels
*Preserve higher-education benefits such as employer contributions, deduction of tuition and qualified educational expenses and allow companies to cover the cost of a college education at community colleges and other partner institutions for working students
*Help small businesses with cash-flow by simplifying the tax code and lowering rates
