Marino Statement On Government Shutdown


Date: Jan. 22, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA10) issued the following statement today regarding the continuation of the Schumer shutdown:

"We are now well into day 3 of the Schumer Shutdown Shakedown and I call upon my Democratic colleagues in the Senate to come forward to take responsibility for their actions. This shutdown inhibits us from performing our duty to uphold and protect our government. During the 2013 government shutdown, the Democrats said they wouldn't use their unconventional immigration reform demands as an excuse to shut down government activities."

Senator Schumer, in 2013, said "…basically, it's sort of like this. Someone goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage and then, says, let's negotiate over the price of your house. You know, we could do the same thing on immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say, "we're shutting down the government, we're not gonna raise the debt ceiling, until you pass immigration reform.' It would be governmental chaos."

In 2013 Senator Durbin also stated, "But let's sit down in a bipartisan and calm way, not with the prospect of shutting down the government or shutting down the economy. I am willing to look at that. But not with a gun to my head, not with a prospect of shutting down the government. That is what the president said, that is what we have said. There should be a constructive, positive bipartisan conversation"

"Here we are, 5 years later, and the Democrats went back on their promise to the American people to preserve our government's stability. They are now responsible for causing total chaos by putting our military and children's healthcare at risk simply because they are unwilling to have a bipartisan negotiation with my fellow Republican colleagues. Instead, they are making excuses for their rash, selfish behavior and jeopardizing the jobs and well-being of thousands."
