Members have found out about ICE immigration actions in their districts after the fact. The least we can do as Members of Congress is to provide oversight and keep track of how much DHS is...

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 6, 2017
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Chairman, I thank my colleague for yielding. I also rise to oppose this amendment because I support quality jobs for folks and the laws that protect them.

When I go around my district, I hear from folks who are still feeling squeezed that are ready to seize opportunities that they might not have right now. Since 1931, the Davis-Bacon Act has been there to help working men and working women earn a decent wage.

I would respond to the good gentleman's statement that Davis-Bacon is about embracing the premise that when we use taxpayer dollars to build a project, it is not just about building that project. It is about building the middle class.

I oppose this amendment because it seeks to undo three generations worth of protections that have helped our country create the strongest middle class in the world. I don't support nickeling and diming workers.

We have a responsibility to make sure the future is better for the generations to come, and if those who follow us earn less or get injured more and can't take care of their health, that is a step backward and not forward.

So I urge my colleagues, once again, to defeat this amendment.

