Senate Announces Vote on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Press Release

Date: Jan. 25, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), applauded the announcement to bring the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act up for a vote on Monday, January 29th, 2018. Ernst, an original co-sponsor of the legislation that prohibits abortion after five months post-fertilization, issued the following statement:

"I am so pleased that the Senate will have the opportunity to vote and protect our society's most vulnerable. Next week, I will be voting yes in honor of my friend Micah Pickering, a five year old from Newton Iowa, who was born at just five months gestation and proved that these babies can survive outside of the womb.

"There should be no disagreement when it comes to protecting the life of an unborn child that has reached the point of development at which he or she can feel pain. The United States is only one of seven countries that allows abortions after 20 weeks, putting us in the company of countries like China and North Korea. It's my hope that my colleagues will choose to stand with life and not North Korea."

This month, Senator Ernst joined her fellow pro-life colleagues in a letter to Senator McConnell requesting a Senate vote on this legislation. Additionally, ahead of the annual March for Life earlier this month, the Senator delivered remarks on the Senate floor on the importance of protecting and celebrating life.
