Hatch Addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars

Date: Aug. 22, 2005
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Issues: Veterans


Remarks of Senator Orrin G. Hatch at the 106th Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention

America is great and free because of our veterans. The people of Utah, who I believe are the most patriotic citizens in the nation, are honored that you have chosen to come to Salt Lake City so that we may personally thank you for your service.

Mr. President, the excitement felt by all Utahns in welcoming our nation's heroes is only matched by your presence here today. Utah stands with you as you lead us through the sacrifices that we all must make in order to achieve our inevitable victory in the War on Terror.

But I do not have to speak of sacrifice to those here today. You have seen and felt the toil of war on land, in the air and sea. Yet, no matter where you served or in what conflict you fought, you all share the common bond of defending an idea. An idea simple in definition but fundamental in securing the greatness of our nation, an idea that makes us Americans. That idea is Freedom.

Our nation has always been committed to promoting freedom and the peace that it provides. To create a world in which the inalienable rights of the individual are respected; where a person can think and speak as they choose too; to pray and live in accordance to their own religious beliefs; where men and women are treated equally; and a person's merit is judged on their own hard work, not on who their father was or the color of their skin. Yet, despite these noble goals, we have been attacked.

We have been attacked by some who are attempting to pervert a dignified and peaceful religion. They have joined forces with those who wish to return to positions of power. Not so they can make a better life for their people but to continue their subjugation of a sovereign nation and launch wars of aggression against their neighbors. However, their fate will be the same as all those who seek to challenge freedom. They will be swept into the dustbin of history.

Our victory will not be easy. When is anything worthwhile easy? There will be times in which our resolve is tested. But we are led by a President whose tenacity is well known and that is why history will remember him as one of the great President's of our nation.

As I look out among you today, I see the fire in your eyes. It is a fire that does not burn with uncontrollable rage but with resolve, a resolve to see justice done and to bring freedom to an oppressed people.

I have seen this before, in the eyes of my brother just before he left to fight in the skies over Europe during World War Two. He was never to return from raid over Ploesti, Romania. Though his loss was one that my family, and especially my mother, could hardly bear, the despair in my heart was tempered by the knowledge that his - our - cause was just and freedom was the goal.

That is what our younger generations must learn from our nation's veterans: that freedom is hard - it must be fought for and defended. But the rewards are also great, as all of you well know. It is you, the veteran, who will always be able to lift your head high knowing that you made a difference. You are freedom's champion. The nation, and especially the people of Utah, say thank you.

But we have a battle here at home to fight. Not only must we continue to support our men and women in uniform, along with their families, but we must defend our symbol of freedom, Old Glory -- our scared flag. Because of the hard work of veterans groups, like the VFW, I believe that the Congress will pass the Flag Protection Amendment. This legislation, which I have supported since it was first proposed, and which I had the honor of introducing this year, will correct a series of misguided Supreme Court decisions and join the 49 states, including Utah, which had laws protecting the American flag from desecration.

Many, including myself, always have trepidations regarding any proposed Constitutional Amendment. But friends, all this amendment does is restore the right of the people to protect this symbol of our nationhood. With your continued help, we will restore protections for this grand symbol of freedom.

Therefore, I must once again call our nation's veterans to the colors, this time to defend our symbol of freedom. We will be victorious.

May God bless you and your families and bring freedom to the oppressed.
