Schneider Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect DREAMers

Press Release

Date: Jan. 17, 2018
Issues: Immigration

Congressman Brad Schneider (D-IL) joined Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Pete Aguilar (D-CA) to introduce bipartisan legislation to provide a legal pathway to citizenship for DREAMers and further efforts to secure the southern border. Schneider is one of 48 original co-sponsors on the bill, which are evenly split between the Republican and Democratic parties.

"Every day that Congress fails to act, the future of thousands of DREAMers in communities across the country is in jeopardy," said Schneider. "Breaking the impasse requires bipartisanship, and this bill presents a way forward, ending the uncertainty that President Trump created by repealing DACA and ensuring a bright future in the United States for young people who were brought here as children. In addition, the legislation makes smart investments in border security and takes steps to improve conditions in Central America to address the underlying causes of unauthorized immigration from there. Racist and divisive remarks by the president threatened to derail progress for our DREAMers, but this compromise is proof that reasonable Members of Congress from both parties can come together to get this done. It's time for Republican congressional leadership to listen to our voices and allow an immediate vote to protect DREAMers."

H.R. 4796, the United and Securing America (USA) Act, provides DREAMers conditional legal status in the United States while they pursue a green card to become legal permanent residents. Once obtained, DREAMers would then have the same opportunity as other green card-holders to become U.S. citizens. The legislation also requires the Department of Homeland Security to develop a southern border strategy that outlines what new technologies and devices can be used to achieve operational control of the border; requires the appointment of new immigration judges to better handle caseload; and addresses the root causes of unlawful immigration by increasing support to Central America.

Schneider is also a co-sponsor of the bipartisan DREAM Act (H.R. 3440) and has signed the discharge petition that would force a floor vote in the House over the objections of congressional leadership.

Nationwide, DACA has protected 800,000 individuals. Illinois' Tenth Congressional District is home to approximately 3,800 DACA recipients.
