Rep. Chu Statement on 9th Circuit Court DACA Ruling


By: Judy Chu
By: Judy Chu
Date: Jan. 10, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement on Tuesday's decision by a federal judge in California to temporarily halt President Trump's decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program:

"While last night's ruling on the DACA program was encouraging, the best solution for our nation's Dreamers continues to be a permanent legislative solution to enshrine DACA protections for the nearly 800,000 Dreamers who were brought to this country as children. When Donald Trump made his cruel decision to end DACA last September, he created fear and uncertainty for Dreamers who grew up here and want nothing more than to be able to contribute to the only country they call home. Our Dreamers cannot afford to wait in limbo any longer. Every day that Congress fails to act, 122 Dreamers lose their DACA status.

"In Congress, I will continue to fight for a permanent solution to protect Dreamers. There is a bill in Congress that has bipartisan support that is ready to be voted on right now, and I know that the DREAM Act would pass if Speaker Ryan allowed a vote on the floor. I urge Republicans to put an end to their cruelty and allow Congress to vote on the DREAM Act now."
