Senate Republican News Conference

Date: Feb. 14, 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

February 14, 2003 Friday


SEN. ALLEN: Thank you, Jon. Thank you, leader. Thank you all for being here. Happy Valentine's Day. This is a good Valentine's Day present for the American people. This is a day to celebrate—celebrate great leadership in the Senate with Bill Frist. Unfortunately, we had to spend a lot of time in the beginning of this session cleaning up work that should have been done previously—appropriations bills, unemployment benefits and some other matters. And I want to commend our leader, Bill Frist, for his diligence, his caring approach, and also when needed making sure that folks recognize that we are going to work late to get the job done for the American people. And as chairman of the Senatorial Committee, how we do in 2004 will be reflected a great deal by how well we do in the majority. And I am very proud to work alongside of you in the Republican leadership working as a team for the people of America.

Now we are looking forward—an action agenda to make sure that every American has opportunities—opportunities to compete and succeed. That's why as Jon and Bill said, jobs, number one. We need to make sure we have the right tax policies, so there's incentives and jobs from investment. And that's the most important thing that we need to do.

In the area of security, it's essential that we do have energy security. That helps protect American jobs. It helps protect our environment, and it also strengthens our national security with an affordable, reliable and also an energy supply that is from here, rather than having to export oil from overseas. This is very important for jobs and our security. And, in addition, it's not just looking at things the same old way; it's looking at new technologies. And President Bush's initiative bolstering the efforts of many of us for fuel cell, hydrogen fuel cell technology is forward-looking, so that in the future we have a clean energy propulsion for our vehicles.

Another issue that has to do with jobs—is compassion—is welfare reform. The House passed welfare reform last night. We'll pass it in the Senate. It is compassionate to want to make sure that people have an opportunity to lead independent self-reliant lives. Promoting the work ethic is the American dream. And I know as governor when we passed welfare reform back in 1995 we've seen the benefits: over 60 percent of people who were on welfare are off—the welfare rolls are down by 60 percent; you have more people working, leading independent lives. You also have more families together. There's more child support enforcement. And it's beneficial. It's good for the soul of America that more people are leading those independent, self-reliant lives, rather than looking for a check from the government every month. And so we are going to move forward on this agenda for opportunity and jobs, security for this country. And I think the American people will see that positive impact as we move forward under the great leadership of Bill Frist and a united Republican team with our president. Thank you.

Q (Off mike) -- just to wait out the Democrats -- (inaudible) -- hanging out there, bringing it back up if necessary, just to let -- (inaudible)?

SEN. FRIST: Until I give it an up-or-down vote. The American people deserve an up-or-down vote. It's as simple as right. And, yes, that is my goal, to have an up-or-down vote. And I'll persist, I'll persist, I'll persist until I have an up-or-down vote on this well-qualified judge. We have not heard—even the Democrats have said he is not well qualified. And it's hard for me to think in America, the United States of America, in our democratic process, where the freedoms and liberties are based on a constitution, that that's being denied. And if the Democrats want to send this message of obstruct—obstruction, obstruction, obstruction—I think it is important for the American people to see. And I think at the end of the day it is so unreasonable, it is so outlandish, that they are going to allow an up-or-down vote. And that's what we'll insist upon.

SEN. ALLEN: If I may --

SEN. FRIST: Yeah? Get over to the mike.

SEN. ALLEN: Helen, this is DC court of appeals. There are 12 judges allocated to this court. A third of them are unfilled—four unfilled vacancies. What you have is justice delayed, which means justice is denied.

What Leader Frist is talking about is what all Americans, regardless of what side they may be on this issue, is they want a fair consideration. It's been 20 months since nominated. John Warner and I presented him finally to the committee last fall. All we want is fair consideration and a vote.

This is like "Groundhog Day" every day around here. Everyone's getting up and saying the same thing. Take a stand. Show some gumption. If you're for him—I'm happy to say why I'm for Miguel Estrada. Jon is. Bill is. If those other senators who are not persuaded, let them state it.

But this obstructionism is a continuing pattern, and it's also unfair to Miguel Estrada. It's unfair to proper consideration. And, moreover, with all of these agenda items we want to work on, for more and better job opportunities, education, improvements of health care, energy security and so forth, the Democrats are holding it up.

And so the leader is being strong, he's being resolute, but he's being fair. And I would hope the Democrats will get the message during this next week period from their constituents back home.
