Rosen Votes Against Reckless Republican Tax Bill


Date: Dec. 19, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Today, Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (NV-03) voted against the conference report for the Republican tax bill, H.R. 1:

"Congressional Republicans have voted to give billionaires and giant corporations a massive tax cut at the expense of hardworking Nevada families," said Rosen. "This disaster of a bill includes a reckless provision repealing the Affordable Care Act's coverage requirement, which will spike premiums and cause thousands of Nevadans in my district to no longer have health insurance. This tax plan will also explode our deficit by more than $1 trillion, mortgaging our children's future and triggering deep cuts to services like Medicare. As Republicans ram this bill through Congress, it's becoming crystal clear that this plan is designed to provide tax relief to wealthy donors and corporate special interests while everyday people get crumbs or eventually face a tax hike. My constituents deserved real bipartisan tax reform and a simpler, fairer tax code aimed at supporting the middle class, and this Republican-controlled Congress failed to deliver."

BACKGROUND: Congresswoman Rosen voted against the House version of the Republican tax bill and penned an op-ed in the Las Vegas Sun detailing her opposition to the GOP's plan.
