Polis Warns That the Republican Tax Plan Will Grow the National Debt

Press Release

Date: Dec. 19, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., opposed the Republican tax plan, which passed the House of Representatives again today on a party line vote. The plan is expected to increase the national debt by over $1.5 trillion and raise taxes for many.

"The Republican tax scheme grows the national debt by over $1.5 trillion, providing handouts to corporations and special interests while hitting middle class families with tax hikes. It serves only to weaken the nation's economy at a time when many are still trying to get ahead after the Great Recession. We can't afford to bankrupt the nation, and Coloradans cannot afford another recession," said Polis. "Now it seems with the latest procedural error, which frankly is a result of rushing through a massive tax reform plan, Republicans have another shot to do what we should have done in the first place and reject this tax hike that only serves to grow the national debt. Let's not make tomorrow a nightmarish Groundhog Day."

Polis has been raising alarms about the Republican plan all along, calling for a simplified tax code that grows the economy and eliminates special-interest loopholes.

He wrote an article detailing several problems with the Republican plan. The original bill in the House of Representatives eliminated the educator tax deduction, which allows teachers to claim a deduction of up to $250 for school supplies they purchased with their personal income, and Polis introduced an amendment to keep this deduction in place, which the final version of the bill does. This bill also now maintains the employer-sponsored tuition assistance tax benefit, which allows employees to receive up to $5,250 annually in education assistance that's excluded from gross income, in line with another of Polis's amendments. Additionally, Polis introduced an amendment to restore the private activity bonds that allow private companies to invest in their communities, and the final tax bill has kept those bonds in place.

In a final effort to introduce bipartisanship to the bill, Polis introduced an amendment in the form of a "concurring resolution" last night to level the playing field for the marijuana industry and kombucha businesses, remove outdated cryptocurrency restrictions, and limit deductions for lobbyists, but was rejected. As vice-chair of the Congressional Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), he has drafted and advocated for a detailed environmental tax policy plan, even penning an article to that effect.

Thirteen of Polis's other amendments to previous versions of the bill were also rejected along party line votes:

· Employer-Provided Student Loan Assistance Amendment: would have allowed employers to pay up to $5,250 toward an employee's student loan payments tax-free.

· Unborn Child 529 Beneficiary Eligibility Amendment: would have removed "unborn children" as eligible beneficiaries of 529 college savings accounts, only placed in this tax plan as an embarrassingly transparent attempt to undermine women's rights and privacy.

· Employer-Provided Tuition Assistance Amendment: would have restored the employer-sponsored tuition assistance tax benefit, which allows employees to receive up to $5,250 annually in education assistance that's excluded from gross income.

· Increase Child Tax Credit Amendment: would have increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $3,600 per child and index those dollars for inflation.

· Carbon Fee Amendment: states that a carbon fee should be included in any tax reform to reduce taxes across the board and bring back millions of manufacturing jobs that are needed to build clean energy infrastructure and upgrade our grid.

· Wind Production Tax Credit Amendment: would have reinstated the production tax credit for the wind power industry to maintain the 100,000 jobs created since 2015 in the wind sector and spur further job growth.

· Electric Vehicles Amendment: would have helped promote technology, innovation, and a more sustainable energy source for powering motor vehicles.

· Solar EDGE Amendment: Based on Polis's Solar EDGE Act, it would have created a short-term surge of funding in small distributed generation solar systems, which allows companies to reach states that have been left out of this critical clean energy platform.

· Expensing of Intangible Drilling Costs Amendment: would have repealed one of the largest and most draconian tax breaks available to the oil industry - the expensing of intangible drilling costs, which allows companies to immediately deduct most of the costs of drilling a new well despite the fact that risks associated with drilling new wells are no longer present.

· Master Limited Partnerships Amendments: Master Limited Partnerships, or MLPs, are a corporate form primarily used by natural resource firms to avoid corporate income taxes. The MLP amendment would have prohibited fossil fuel companies from using MLPs, and an alternative amendment would have allowed MLPs to be used by renewable energy companies who currently are prohibited from such use by law.

· Marijuana Amendment: would have protected small businesses and dispensaries in the State of Colorado from unsustainable tax burdens by revising Section 280e of the tax code to exempt marijuana sales.

· Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Amendment: Based on Polis's Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act of 2017, it would have removed outdated restrictions on cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, and other methods of digital payment, allowing consumers to make small purchases with cryptocurrency up to $600 without burdensome reporting requirements.

· Kombucha Act Amendment: Based on Polis's KOMBUCHA Act, it would have eased the burden on Kombucha manufacturers, and unleashed the power of an industry pioneered by small businesses and entrepreneurs to sell this probiotic, antioxidant tea.

· Limiting Deductions for Lobbying Expenditures Amendment: would have ensured that lobbyists don't get tax breaks from wielding their influence over politicians and lawmakers by removing existing protections that allow lobbyists to avoid paying their full share of the tax burden when meeting with members of Congress and their staffs.
