Dingell Statement on House Passage of GOP Tax Plan


Date: Dec. 19, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement on House passage of the Republican tax plan.

"Working families should be at the center of any effort to update our tax code. Instead, the legislation that passed the House today leaves working Americans behind -- increasing taxes for 86 million families and jeopardizing the future of Medicare and Social Security, all while providing trillions in tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations. This is plain wrong.

"Republicans are trying to sell working families a bag of goods, but the American people will not be fooled. Those Representatives who voted today to put politics above the people they represent will have to answer to hardworking families across the country who will see their taxes go up as a result of this devastating plan. Working families deserve better, and now more than ever, we must continue to fight alongside them."
