Congressman MacArthur's Legislation to Help Sandy Victims Passes House


Date: Dec. 22, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Tom MacArthur announced that his bill, The Disaster Assistance Fairness and Accountability Act of 2017 was included in the hurricane supplemental bill and passed the House with bipartisan support. This bill sets a statute of limitations of three years for disaster recoupment preventing FEMA from trying to "recoup" money from innocent disaster victims.

"I'm grateful that members from both parties supported this critical piece of bipartisan legislation that will bring common sense reform to FEMA," said Congressman MacArthur. "Since I first came to Congress, I've been willing to work with anyone to help natural disaster victims, like those impacted by Superstorm Sandy, who have been treated unfairly by FEMA. This bill ensures natural disaster victims won't have to pay for the federal government's mistakes."
