Shea-Porter Statement on Final House Passage of GOP Tax Plan


Date: Dec. 19, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) today released the following statement after voting "no' on final House passage of the GOP tax plan, which passed the House 227-203.

"With their reckless process and shameful tax plan, Congressional Republicans have bestowed an enormously expensive gift to corporate lobbyists, multi-millionaires, and the largest corporations. And they got the middle class to pay for it. The GOP tax plan reduces the rate on the largest corporations by over one-third and lowers the top rate paid by millionaires. This lopsided giveaway to the wealthiest individuals and corporations will explode the debt by $1.45 trillion, setting the stage for automatic cuts to Medicare and other critical programs that assist working families and secure our nation.

"In just six weeks, Congressional Republicans wrote and passed a 500-page bill. They didn't have a single hearing on a bill that touches almost every single person and business in this country. At every turn, experts have found that this rushed and secretive process has led to legislative text that is riddled with mistakes and loopholes that tax lawyers and accountants will easily game for their wealthy clients. Just this weekend, we learned that a special provision to benefit real estate investors such as Donald Trump was added in secret with almost no public debate or awareness. And now, struggling families across America will be saddled with the bill."
