Voting No on the Continuing Resolution (H.J.Res. 123)

Press Release

Date: Dec. 7, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

The House just voted on H.J.Res. 123, a continuing resolution to provide enough money for the Federal government to operate at current levels for the next two weeks. I voted against it.

My concern with the resolution is that the Republican leadership in both the House and the Senate has refused to accept even a single contribution in terms of ideas, policies, or priorities from a single Democrat. This partisan dysfunction is the exact opposite of how Congress should work-especially with something as critical as government funding. It means the people of El Paso had no ability to contribute to this process because their representative was locked out of it.

For example, I asked my colleagues to ensure that the 200,000 Dreamers in Texas and the 800,000 young DACA recipients across the country receive the protection they need to continue contributing at their full potential in our communities, state, and nation. We are infinitely better because of them. Ending DACA will not just hurt them, it will hurt us for years to come.

I also asked that the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is reauthorized. This is critical if we want to continue ensuring kids and mothers in our state can see a doctor and get lifesaving medication. CHIP and Medicaid cover 45% of children in El Paso and offer prenatal care to 36,000 pregnant women in Texas. Without Republicans taking these ideas into consideration or even offering a basic debate on them, I couldn't vote for this resolution.

I will continue advocating for the people of El Paso and working to get a funding bill that reflects and honors our priorities.
