Rooney-Byrne-Wilson Introduce the Current Employee Representation Act - H.R. 4327

Press Release

Today, Congressmen Francis Rooney (FL-19), Bradley Byrne (AL-1), and Joe Wilson (SC-2) introduced the Current Employee Representation Act. This legislation would allow employees to petition for a union certification election when fewer than 50% of current "unit members' were members during the last election.

The United States is seeing shifts every day towards a more modern workforce. Many current employees are locked into old and outdated union contracts, approved long before they were hired. All employees deserve a voice that is reflective of today's workplace. They should be given options and a voice in the structure of their workplace, and not be subject to the same union practices of the past. This legislation aims to allow new employees an option to elect new union representation - and if they deem the union unnecessary, it would give employees the right to decertify and represent themselves. Why should outdated union agreements set the rules for the 21st-century economy?

Congressman Rooney stated. "The Current Employee Representation Act will provide union members more representation, as their views may differ from decisions made decades ago especially in the rapidly modernizing workforce of today. This legislation also gives union employees more power to be heard and hold the higher-up decision makers within unions more accountable to the rank and file."

Bradley Byrne stated: "The needs and realities of the 21st Century workforce are a lot different from what workers faced decades in the past. With the Current Employee Representation Act, we can ensure workers are able to fully and effectively advocate for their needs. I applaud Congressman Rooney for his work on this pro-worker legislation, and I look forward to continue advocating for policies that benefit the hardworking men and women in America."

"I am grateful for the chance to join my colleagues Congressman Francis Rooney and Congressman Bradley Byrne in introducing the Current Employee Representation Act," said Congressman Wilson. "We know that our businesses flourish and the economy grows when employees are empowered and unions are accountable to those who join the workforce

Per background this legislation is supported by the Collation for a Democratic Workforce.
