Rep. Black Statement on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act


Date: Nov. 2, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, designed to overhaul the tax code and provide relief to American families for the first time since 1986:

"Today, we took action to present comprehensive tax relief that lowers rates, simplifies the code and gets rid of loopholes so that American families get relief from the crushing burden of high taxes. I am proud of our work with President Trump and Vice President Pence to get this done and I also want to praise the work that Chairman Brady, Committee members and staff have put into this bill. Our goal has always been to relieve the tax burden on middle income families so they can save for the future with a simpler and fairer system. The bottom line is that we believe people need more of their paychecks, and individuals spend their own money more wisely than the government. Period."
