Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript: First moves a President Trump would make against ISIS


Date: Dec. 3, 2015
Location: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Issues: Foreign Affairs


HANNITY: Also, we cannot forget it was back only in 2014 the president said, quote, "The analogy that we use around here sometimes, and I think it's accurate, that is if a JV team puts on a Lakers uniform, well, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant." Well, the JV team has struck again.

Here now with reaction, the author of "Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again," 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Now, we don't know the association here, Mr. Trump, but this -- this is an important question. How can our president be so wrong so often on so many issues involving our safety -- the JV team, they are contained, they're not an existential threat to America? The president won't say "radical jihadists." They won't say "radical Islam."

How -- what is it about this president? At this point, it almost seems pathological?

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, perhaps he's incompetent. We have a president that doesn't know what he's doing. I think perhaps you could actually say hard to believe, but we have somebody that's incompetent. He wasn't meant for the position, but he's there and we have him for another year, a little more than a year, if you think. And we're stuck with him, I guess, for a little while.

And hopefully, the right decision is going to (INAUDIBLE) hopefully, that decision's going to be made, but we'll see. But hopefully, the right decision is going to be made and we're going to have an amazing leader, a great leader, and somebody that's going to do the job and do it properly in every respect.
I mean, we're not only talking about ISIS, we're talking about on trade. We're talking about on border. We're talking about on "Obama care," which is turning out to be a total catastrophe. It's a disaster, you look at what's happening with rates. We're talking education.

We're talking about everything, Sean. We're not just talking about ISIS. But ISIS right now is the hot topic, and the man doesn't have a clue.

HANNITY: You know, the president -- we now have reports out there all day today, law enforcement officials saying that Syed Farook was, in fact, apparently radicalized and in touch with -- and being investigated by the FBI, people investigated for these international terrorism incidents. Even though the cases may be closed, it makes you wonder, how come they keep missing these things?

And then you have to raise the question about the president, in spite of what James Clapper is saying and the FBI director is saying and intelligence officials are saying, bringing in Syrian refugees, when ISIS we know wants to infiltrate that population.

What is your response to that?

TRUMP: Well, he doesn't even want to use the term, the proper term to describe these people. And you know, if you're not going to use the term and if you're not going to define them correctly, you're never going to solve the problem. So he doesn't use the term. He doesn't really know.

I don't know. You know, somebody told me before they think he has bad intentions. Let's assume he doesn't have bad intentions. I just don't think he knows what he's doing. I think it's gotten to a point where it's embarrassing. He's over there talking about global warming.

Global warming is our biggest problem. They want to blow up our country. They went to blow up our cities. They want to knock down our buildings, and he's worried about global warming. So you know, we have somebody that's not in touch.

HANNITY: Yes. He's talking about the weather, and meanwhile, I was stunned, former CIA director Mike Morell's comments, where he said the very financial foundation that is making ISIS rich, the oil wells -- that they made a conscious decision not to cut off their finances because they didn't want to have environmental damage.

Is dereliction of duty the proper description of that? How do you describe it?

TRUMP: Well, you know, I've been saying hit the oil for three years.  And he actually put people out to say, Oh, that's not a good idea. Some of his generals said, Oh, that's not a good idea. I've been saying it for years. On your show, I've been saying it for a long time. I think you'll confirm that. And he's just been saying, Oh, no, that's not a good idea.

And his generals are -- now, as soon as Paris happens, I mean, they start hitting the oil. They should have done it two years ago, and you wouldn't have ISIS, probably, because that's a great source of their wealth.

I said hit the oil, but also said keep the oil. I said hit the oil but keep the oil. We wouldn't do that. Why would we do a thing like that?  It's too intelligent. So anyway, they're starting to hit the oil, and that'll be good.

You know, the interesting thing is the one that hit the oil first was France. But I did hear that there were reports that environmentally -- they had big environmental concerns because by hitting the oil, you'll put things into the atmosphere and that would be bad for the world.

So I mean, the whole thing is so preposterous, it's hard to believe.  But I've heard that.

HANNITY: All right…

TRUMP: I will tell you that part of the reason the wall was never built on our southern border is because they had environmental impact statement problems. And that's a hard one to believe also (INAUDIBLE)

HANNITY: Then let me -- let's -- let's advance the timeline here.  Let's say it's January 2017. Donald Trump is sworn in as president. How do you deal with ISIS? What are the first moves you make? What are the moves you make to secure the border? What are the moves you make in terms of people with visas from countries where maybe they practice sharia law and there's a clash of culture?

TRUMP: Well, I can talk about that question for about three hours, to be honest with you. That's a big question in terms of there's a lot of things you're going to do.

We're going to get rid of his executive order allowing people to just pour into our country unabetted where, our great border patrol -- and they are a great border patrol. I've spent a lot of time with them. But they're told to stand down. Don't do anything. People walk right front of them, and they're standing there. They want to do something. People are pouring into the country.

So you know, we've had some pretty good luck legally on that one in the courts recently. But he's got executive orders that immediately terminate them.

I'd hit ISIS very, very hard. I'd check the visa situation because I want people to have to be the right people coming into the country. And I want people coming in, they have to come in legally…


HANNITY: Would you go through every visa?


TRUMP: Well, you have to.

HANNITY: Let me ask you about that…


HANNITY: But if you grow up under sharia law, where women can't drive, need a male relative to go out in public, that -- you know, the very restrictive laws that they live under even into Saudi Arabia, it is the antithesis of our constitutional republic.

How do you ascertain -- if it's a Syrian refugee, if it's somebody that wants to come here on a visa, how do with ascertain whether they want to bring their values that they grew up with them or they want to assimilate and enjoy the new breath of freedom that they've never enjoyed before? I don't think it's possible to determine that.

TRUMP: Well, I mean, they do want to bring their values. And you know what? If we were going over, we'd probably want to bring our values, in all fairness, Sean. I mean, you know, that's the way it goes. That's the way…

HANNITY: Well, I believe in American exceptionalism.

TRUMP: Just look at what happened recently when I made the statement about, you know, dancing on the roofs and the streets of New Jersey. I mean, now it's been validated. So many people have come out and said that's right, hundreds of calls. And they have so much information now.  And for the most part, people have been reporting it, although a lot of them haven't reported it the way they should be. You've been really amazing. You've been so honest about it.

But I've been proven right. Everybody wanted me to apologize. Now I've been proven right. And you know, it's the way it is.

Look, they have their customs, and that's the way it is. And I'm not even blaming them for that. But the question is, is this country prepared to do that? Are we prepared to go? And you know, like, they're talking about the Syrian refugees coming in.

Sean, who knows who these people are? There's no documentation.  There's no proof whatsoever. I've seen on lots of shows, including yours, where you have really good police and police types, and they're saying there's absolutely no way of verifying where these people are coming from.

So it could be the greatest of all Trojan horses. We just don't know.  And you know, you're not talking about big percentages. If five people come in, the wrong people, we've got ourselves some big problems.

HANNITY: But how could a president, knowing that his own national director of intelligence, FBI director, assistant FBI director, his general in charge of strategizing to defeat ISIS, are all saying what you just said and he's not listening? You know, you were right. Even Dan Rather had reported on it. Pablo Guzman (ph) of CBS in New York, The Washington Post, the AP, The Star-Ledger had mentioned it in some capacity, about people celebrating on 9/11.

Now you're under fire today because you're saying we've got to also take out the families of those abroad that are attacking Americans and have affiliated themselves with these terror groups.
Do you want to expand on that?

TRUMP: Well, look at the World Trade Center. The animals that knocked down the World Trade Center, killing thousands and thousands of people and destroying so many families, permanently destroying so many families, and the destruction and everything -- forget the money. The money was massive. But look at the people that were killed. These

people put their wives and whatever, they put their family, but they put their wives on airplanes a day or two before, all going back except for one to Saudi Arabia, OK? They're all going back to Saudi Arabia, and they're all going -- in other words, they're leaving.

Those wives -- I guarantee you, those wives knew everything single thing that was going to take place. And they probably said to themselves, Let's go home and watch our husbands knock down the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and almost wherever the other plane was landing, except we had some very brave passengers on that plane, frankly -- but wherever that plane was going to land. It ended up in a field in Pennsylvania. But they went home. They knew exactly.

And I say take them out. Take them out. And I'll tell you the thing -- they supposedly don't care about their lives. I disagree with that. I they're chicken and they do care about their lives. But supposedly, they don't care about their lives. But they do care about their families' lives, OK? That's one thing I am so certain. They know and they care about their families' lives.

Their family, in particular the wives, know everything that's going on. And I guarantee you every one of those wives went back home, and they wanted to watch you (ph) on television, the destruction that their husbands were going through.

HANNITY: That's pretty chilling.

TRUMP: I say take them out.

HANNITY: You -- I actually agree with you. You also -- I want to go back to the five people out of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the president wants to take in against the advice of many smart, intelligence officials in our government. If, in fact, five of those people commit acts of terror and kill Americans, wouldn't that mean the president has blood on his hands?

TRUMP: Well, look, the president is somebody -- you know, you could say he's a fool in a certain way because everybody is saying don't do it.  He's very arrogant. He's very stubborn. He doesn't want to listen to anybody. And he's so wrong. And he's so wrong.

And by the way, the 10,000 is not a real number. The 10,000 is going to be much more. You know, I've been saying 200,000. The 10,000 is a fictitious number. If you watch this Democrat debate -- and it is actually Democrat debate, not Democratic debate. Every network's got that one wrong, but that's OK. They put it Democratic because it sounds better.

But if you watch the Democrat debate, you would see that the number that they mentioned was 65,000. Now, he's mentioning 10,000. Let me tell you, they're going to bring hundreds of thousands. But if you look at the debate…


TRUMP: I believe the number is 65,000 they used in the debate.


HANNITY: ... three-year period, in terms of refugees, not all from Syria, the number is 255,000, which we've gone over and tried to educate Politifact about, but they didn't learn.

All right, Donald Trump, stay right there. We'll have more with the presidential contender when we come back.
And then later tonight, do we need to start spying on mosques with ties to extremists in America? We'll debate that controversial issue.

Plus tonight…


HANNITY: The obsession of prominent Democrats to always rush and politicize tragedy before we even know anything about it. That and more as "Hannity" continues.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." And we continue now with the author of "Crippled America: How to Make America great Again," 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump, you have dominated throughout the entire summer and now throughout the entire fall. We're less than two months away from the Iowa caucuses. There's been a little bit of a shift. Ben Carson has gone down a bit. Rubio and Cruz are coming up. You were kidding around with Cruz the other day, saying, Well, if he gets too close, I'm going to have to come after you.

How do you assess the race now? Your numbers seem to be in the high to mid-30s fairly regularly.

TRUMP: Well, I'm winning by a lot every poll. I mean, every single poll, I'm winning every state. I'm winning all of the national polls. You see the ones that just come out. Some big polls are coming out very soon.  I think I'll probably do well there.

I'm having tremendous enthusiasm. I go to these meetings, we have 10,000, 12,000, 15,000 people. We get by far the biggest groups, much bigger than anybody, including Bernie Sanders. You know, his are tanking.  But we have always had bigger than him.

And it's been an amazing -- it's like a love fest. It's like a movement that's going on because people are tired of stupid people running our country that it's horrible what's going on. You know, I listen to you.  I listen to others. And all you have to do is read the papers every day…


TRUMP: ... and you see…

HANNITY: America is in decline!


TRUMP: ... stupidity.

HANNITY: You said America is in decline…

TRUMP: You see the stupidity…

HANNITY: ... and it doesn't need to be.


HANNITY: Let me ask you -- you have said…

TRUMP: You're right 100 percent.

HANNITY: You had said about the next debate, a CNN debate, that you might not go, that you wanted -- the networks are making more money because of the higher ratings. And you said, Why doesn't CNN take $5 million, give it to the wounded warriors. Jeff Zucker, I guess the -- the president of the organization, said no, he's not going to do that.

What's your reaction?

TRUMP: Well, look, I'd like to do it. And I said that I would certainly be willing to give that a shot to get them to pay. They're making a fortune. And you know, look, I'm not saying it. I will tell you Variety. If you look at all of the trade magazines, they're saying that Trump is the one that added.

You know, these things used to be terribly rated, and now they're getting 23 and 24 million people to watch it. It's, like, becoming, you know, the biggest stuff on television. And I said they should take some the enormous profit and give it to the wounded warriors and the vets. And I want to do that.

The problem is, if I do it, if I actually strike -- and they'll absolutely fold 100 percent. But if I actually did it and they didn't fold, it would be -- you know, I'm the front-runner by a lot. I think you'll confirm that -- you know, by a lot. And you know, I don't want to be watching it and having them say chicken and Trump was afraid to debate.
I think I won the first debates. The on-line polls of all -- Drudge and -- who's a great guy, by the way. But Drudge and Time magazine and Slate, everybody said I won the first debates.

So I don't want to be in a position where I don't do it and they say, Oh, Trump was chicken, or whatever word they want to use, He didn't want to debate.  I just don't want to take that chance.

So you know, it's up to them. I think they should make a major contribution to the wounded warriors, personally, but it's up to them.  They're making a fortune. Sean, they used to get, like, $4,000 -- I know for the second debate, $4,000 for a -- like, a 30-second ad. Now they're getting $250,000.

HANNITY: It's a lot of money.

TRUMP: So they're making a fortune. They should make a contribution to the wounded warriors, in my opinion. But I don't want to be accused ever, ever of being a chicken, right?

HANNITY: I don't know if that's an adjective that's going to stick you to. Let me ask you -- the Republicans…


TRUMP: It's never happened before, I can tell you that, so…

HANNITY: Both The Hill and Forbes reported about a meeting of big donors out at the Bel Air Hotel in California, big Republican donors sitting around a table saying, Oh, if Donald Trump, the insurgent, gets the nomination, they may not support you.

And meanwhile, the NRSC sent out a memo telling candidates -- by the way, warning them that you might win, and by the way, you should adopt some of Donald Trump's both rhetoric, how he dresses, the way he uses Twitter.  So kind of conflicting.

What do you say to establishment people that would not support you because you're an insurgent?

TRUMP: Well, first of all, the one memo sent that was sent out was a great compliment. They were telling long-term politicians that have been - - I've only been doing this for five months. They've been telling long- term politicians how to act, and they have to act like Trump and they have to dress like Trump and they have to talk like Trump.

I mean, it's going to be a little bit hard for them…


HANNITY: ... themselves!

TRUMP: ... Twitter 10 million people. You know, I have 10 million people between Facebook and Twitter. It's not going to be so easy for them to copy me. But -- @RealDonaldTrump, by the way.

But the other one was a group of people who don't really know. But they were sort of -- you know, there's a lot of jealousy. There's a lot of anger going on because nobody's ever seen anything like this.

One of the really great and big reporters called me up and said, How does it feel? Because this has never happened before.

But, look, I built a great company. And you saw that in the filings I filed. And people are really impressed and really amazed at how great the company is. And that's the kind of thinking that we need in our country.
What we're doing is -- you know, the deals we're making, this crazy deal with Iran, where we're giving them $150 billion. Sergeant Bergdahl -- we get Bergdahl, a traitor. They get five killers that they wanted for nine years.

You know, this is the way we deal. We don't know what we're doing.  So I think people see that, and I understand that some of the establishment is upset. But remember this. In the new FOX poll, as you know better than anybody, I beat Hillary Clinton and I beat her easily. So that's a very important element. Not only am I leading, but I also beat Hillary Clinton one on one.


TRUMP: So I think, ultimately, they'll come around. If they don't, that's OK. You know, I'm self-funding my campaign, so I don't need their contributions and I don't need them telling me what to do because they have a company where they want to, you know, rip off the country.

So I'm self-funding my own campaign. I'm the only one doing it. And I think they're not very happy about it because they won't have control. I won't be a puppet like the other guys are all puppets.

HANNITY: All right, Mr. Trump, good to see you, as always. Thank you for being with us. Trying times.

TRUMP: Thank you.

HANNITY: And we got to turn the country around. There's no doubt about it. Thank you for being here.

TRUMP: You're right. Thank you very much, Sean.

