Bill Johnson Calls On Congresswoman Wilson to Apologize


Date: Oct. 19, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Bill Johnson (R-Marietta) released the following statement after Congresswoman Wilson's comments on President Trump's phone call to the family of fallen Army Sgt. La David Johnson.

"Now that we know that the sentiments expressed in the President's phone call to the grieving family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson were suggested to him by Gold Star father and former four-star General John Kelly, it's clear that Congresswoman Frederica Wilson has inappropriately politicized this tragic situation. Her recent appearances on cable TV, bashing the commander-in-chief and talking about how she wanted to "curse him out' while he was trying to console a grieving family are beneath the dignity of her office. General Kelly said he was "stunned' and "disheartened" by her craven political stunt and we must all wonder if her actions didn't reopen deep emotional wounds in General Kelly and his family.

After 26 years in the U.S. Air Force, serving with heroes and commanding brave men and women who were often in harm's way, I was particularly appalled at Rep. Wilson's interference in what should have been a time of grief and reverence for a fallen hero.

That's why I'm publicly calling on Rep. Wilson to apologize to President Trump and General Kelly. If she does not, I will begin the legislative process of asking the House of Representatives to formally censure her for the heartless behavior she displayed in this situation."
