Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Crapo, Hearing on NOminations


Date: Oct. 26, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

"This morning, we will consider the nominations of three more individuals to serve in key roles within the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"Welcome to all of you, and congratulations on your nominations to these very important offices.

"I see friends and family behind you and I welcome them here today, as well.

"The nominees before us are Brian Montgomery to be Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner; Hunter Kurtz to be Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing; and Suzanne Tufts to be Assistant Secretary for Administration.

"If confirmed, each of these nominees will play a major role in promoting access to safe and affordable housing for families across America.

"Each also brings a wealth of experience and expertise that will guide them well throughout their service at HUD.

"The Federal Housing Administration, or FHA, plays a major role in our housing finance system by setting credit guidelines and providing insurance for millions of home mortgages across the country.

"Yet, it has been over three years since FHA has had Senate-confirmed leadership.

"Brian Montgomery is an ideal candidate to take up that mantle, given that he has done it before.

"He provided steadfast leadership at the helm of FHA between 2005 and 2009, during one of the most trying times that housing markets have ever seen.

"Mr. Montgomery is also no stranger to this Committee, having testified before us on six other occasions on matters relating to housing and housing finance. We welcome him back once again.

"Hunter Kurtz has dedicated nearly his entire career to housing policy, including over a decade of time at HUD, and has had a hand in implementing housing programs at both the local and federal level.

"Most recently, he has served as a key voice within HUD, as Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Programs.

"Mr. Kurtz will bring this programmatic expertise to the Office of Public and Indian Housing, where he will oversee some of HUD's largest programs, including Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers.

"Suzanne Tufts, over her distinguished career as an attorney, consultant, and CEO, has developed an expertise in turnaround management and leadership development for both government and non-profit organizations.

"As Assistant Secretary for Administration at HUD, she would oversee HUD's enterprise-level training, staffing, recruitment, and performance management, and would advise Secretary Carson on Human Resource matters.

"Ms. Tufts' reputation as an outside-the-box and entrepreneurial thinker will make her a great addition to HUD's leadership team.

"I urge my colleagues to confirm all three of you without delay, as well as to confirm other HUD nominees that are still pending before the Senate.

"Once again, congratulations to all of you on your nominations to these very important offices, and thank you for your willingness to serve."
