How to Learn the Latest and Greatest About Tax Reform


Date: Oct. 24, 2017
Issues: Taxes

This morning, House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) led the weekly Leadership Stakeout to discuss the latest on tax reform and touch on the importance of Article I for the future of our representative government. Chair McMorris Rodgers also invited Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) of the Ways and Means Committee to join and share his perspective as we unlock tax reform this week through the budget process.

"We're on a mission to improve people's lives and this week we're addressing a number of top priorities. As the people's representatives… the Article I provisions are so important. That's how the people's voice is restored in our government. I'm really excited that we're moving forward on important legislation that will restore the balance of power that will bring back accountability, oversight, and appropriation of dollars which are our Article I responsibilities.

"We're also going to wrap up the budget process and unlock tax reform. We've been waiting a long time for this moment. This is our opportunity to unleash the potential of every person in this country. It means more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks."

"We are putting American families first, and we're really pleased that Carlos Curbelo, representative out of Miami, is able to join us today to help put a face on this. He has a young family, and represents many in this country that are going to be positively impacted."

"We have a lot of fourth and fifth generation family farms and small businesses [in Eastern Washington]. The elimination of the death tax means that those family farms will be able to continue. You think about a single parent trying to run a coffee shop and pay for child care -- the expansion of the child tax credit. Full expensing, what the impact of that is on manufacturing companies that can buy an extra piece of equipment, expand their business, and create jobs. These are just some of the faces of tax reform. They're everyday, hardworking men and women all across this country, [many of whom] are living paycheck to paycheck and we want to help reduce that burden, the cost of living, so they have more of their dollars in their own pocketbook."

"Along the way, we're going to be giving you all of the details. We're setting up text messaging that I know you're all going to want to join. All you have to do is text "tax reform" to 50589 and you'll get the latest and greatest."
