Congress Should condemn UN Anti-Israel Resolution

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 4, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs


Mr. Speaker, I rise today in solidarity and support for one of America's greatest friends and allies, but one the Obama administration has sadly abandoned in its last days in office: the State of Israel.

Since September of 2015 alone, in Israel, 42 people have been killed in terrorist attacks, and 602 people, including four Palestinians, have been injured. Yet, last month, the United Nations Security Council felt the need to condemn Israel with a misguided resolution the United States should have vetoed.

In fact, as long as Israel has been part of the U.N., it has been treated with little respect and almost openly disdained. In 2016, there were more resolutions regarding Israel at the U.N.

than there were regarding Syria, North Korea, Iran, South Sudan, and Russia combined. That is simply an unacceptable way totreat the only peaceful democratic state in the region.

Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues to join together in sending a strong, bipartisan message this week to rebuke this misguided resolution so we can get back on a path to a peaceful solution to conflict in the Middle East.

