George P. Kazen Federal Building and United States Courthouse

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 8, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure


Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of S. 612, the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, or the WIIN Act. This is a comprehensive bill to address water resources and infrastructure issues across the country and could be one of the final achievements of this Congress.

Today we have an opportunity to deliver one more win for America. The WIIN Act includes the Water Resources Development Act as title I.

Ranking Member DeFazio and I worked very closely throughout the process to ensure his and other Democratic priorities were preserved in this final bill. So I want to thank Ranking Member DeFazio for his work with me on the WRDA title.

However, this bill is bigger than just WRDA, and I also want to thank the Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Upton, the Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bishop, and our Senate counterparts for helping us put together this package today.

This legislation provides important direction from Congress to the Army Corps of Engineers in their missions to improve our infrastructure. The bill strengthens America's competitiveness, creates jobs, and grows the economy. The WIIN Act maintains congressional constitutional authority to ensure our infrastructure is safe and effective.

This bill contains authorizations for 30 Corps Chief's Reports, eight Post-Authorization Change Reports, and 37 feasibility studies for projects across the United States.
Today's legislation restores regular order and the 2-year cycle of Congress considering these essential WRDA bills. Simply put, Mr. Speaker, this is good public policy, so I strongly urge my colleagues to support this jobs and infrastructure bill.

Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act--Letters of Support


Waterways Council, Inc.; American Public Works Association; Association of California Water Agencies; Family Farm Alliance; The American Waterways Operators; American Society of Civil Engineers; Ducks Unlimited; Archer Daniels Midland Company; National Waterways Conference Inc.; Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals Association, Inc.; Global Tech Power; Terral RiverService; National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies; Tuloma Stevedoring, Inc.

Port of Pittsburgh Commission; National Milk Producers Federation; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; American Association of Port Authorities; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association; Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative; National Corn Growers Association; National Association of Manufacturers; American Water Works Association; Pacific Northwest Waterways Association; Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies; Great Lakes Metro Chambers Coalition; Tennessee River Valley Association; Alliance for the Great Lakes.
API Coalition letter: American Association of Port Authorities; American Chemistry Council; American Farm Bureau; American Forest and Paper Association; American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers; American Great Lakes Ports Association; American Petroleum Institute; American Road and Transportation Builders Association; American Waterways Operators; Big River Coalition; Dredging Contractors of America; Great Lakes Metro Chambers Coalition; Lake Carriers' Association; Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association; National Grain and Feed Association; National Mining Association; National Retail

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Federation; National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association; Portland Cement Association; Retail Industry Leaders Association; The Fertilizer Institute; Waterways Council, Inc.; U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
California Water Authorities Coalition: Friant North Authority; Friant Water Authority; Kern County Water Agency; Metropolitan Water District; San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors; South Valley Water Association; Tehama Colusa Canal Authority; Westlands Water District.

Water Infrastructure Network: American Council of Engineering Companies; American Public Works Association; American Society of Civil Engineers; Associated General Contractors of America; International Union of Operating Engineers; Laborers International Union of North America; National Association Clean Water Agencies; National Rural Water Association; United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters; Vinyl Institute.

Highway Materials Group: American Coal Ash Association; American Traffic Safety Services Association; Association of Equipment Manufacturers; National Asphalt Pavement Association; National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association; Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute; American Concrete Pavement Association; Associated Equipment Distributors; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association; Portland Cement Association.

Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.


Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank my good friend from western Pennsylvania. I support Buy American provisions, and, of course, as he mentioned, there is a 1-year provision in this. I just disagree--this is not the process for doing this moving forward. I believe it will kill the bill.

This is a good bill. It was carefully negotiated with our counterparts in the Senate and both sides of the aisle. It represents a lot of--months and months of hard work.

First, the bill will create jobs. It keeps American jobs in America by strengthening or competitiveness and grows our economy, and it will be including American steel in it.

Second, it is a fiscally responsible bill. We fully offset it. It reduces a deficit by a half a billion dollars.
Finally, it reasserts congressional authority by restoring the 2-year cycle of considering WRDA bills. It returns us to regular order, preventing unelected bureaucrats from making decisions on our Nation's water infrastructure.

So stopping the bill now, I don't think, is the right thing to do.

Let's pass it. Let's continue to work together to get strong, Buy American provisions as we move forward, which is something I do support. So I urge a ``no'' vote at this time.
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

