Gov. Hickenlooper's Statement On Failure Of Latest Attempt to Repeal The Affordable Care Act


Date: Sept. 26, 2017
Location: Denver, CO

Today, Gov. Hickenlooper offered this statement in response to Senate leadership's decision to pull the Graham-Cassidy bill.

"We are relieved that the Senate has decided to put aside the flawed Graham-Cassidy bill that would have hurt hundreds of thousands of Coloradans," said Governor John Hickenlooper. "We urge Senate leaders to return to regular order and support bipartisan work to improve our health care system. We encourage Senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray to return to the negotiating table and quickly finalize a package to stabilize the individual insurance market and help make individual health insurance more affordable. We stand ready to work with Congress and expand our scope to address the underlying drivers of health care costs."
