Upton Statement on Tax Reform


Date: Sept. 27, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, today released the following statement as leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate released framework for pro-growth tax reform:

"Our framework will deliver tax relief for middle-class families, allow workers to take home more money, and put American businesses in a better competitive position -- keeping jobs here at home.

"Americans need tax relief and reform now more than ever. As I've spoken to countless folks and businesses, small and large, here in Southwest Michigan all agree that our tax code is too unwieldy, too costly, and too complicated. It's time to change that so we can unleash American competitiveness and ingenuity which will create more good-paying jobs and economic benefits right here.

"I'm confident we can deliver this year. I look forward to working with my colleagues here in the House and Senate and with the administration to deliver results for families and businesses in Michigan and across the country."

According to the Tax Foundation, Michigan will add approximately 50,000 jobs and after-tax income on medium-income households will increase by more than $4,000 based on the tax-reform blueprint outlined by House Republicans. Upton has met with a wide variety of stakeholders to discuss tax reform including Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Congress last enacted tax reform legislation in 1986.
