Rep. Poliquin Condemns Obama Administration's Failure to Veto Anti-Israel UN Resolution


Date: Jan. 5, 2017
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Today, Congressman Bruce Poliquin (ME-02) supported a bipartisan measure in the House condemning the anti-Israel United Nations (U.N.) resolution that passed the international body last month after the Obama Administration refused to veto it, abandoning one of our closest allies. Today's measure in the House passed with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority, 342-80. Congressman Poliquin released the following statement:

"Last month, in one of this Administration's final actions before leaving office, the White House abandoned our ally and friend Israel by failing to veto a U.N. resolution that undermines Israel's free and democratic government and its control of the Western Wall--one of the holiest sites in Judaism," said Congressman Poliquin. "This deliberate maneuver by the outgoing Administration flies in the face of our Nation's commitment to stand with one of our strongest allies and undermines the peace process with Palestine."

"I'm proud that an overwhelming and bipartisan group of my fellow lawmakers stood strong today in support of Israel and officially condemned this U.N. resolution. I will always stand with the people of Israel, our close ally, and will help work toward peace in the region."

Today, Congressman Poliquin also became a cosponsor of two different bills in the House and cosigned a letter from Members of Congress in support of Israel:

H.R. 263 -- a bill to officially declare this U.N. resolution as null and void in the eyes of the U.S.
H.R. 264 -- a bill that will stop U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to the U.N. until the body can account for where the funds are going
A letter from Members of Congress to President-elect Donald Trump asking the new administration to relocate the American embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel

In December 2016, the U.N. passed Security Council Resolution 2334, a maneuver that undermines the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, contradicts the Oslo Accords, and effectively states that the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are "occupied territory."
