Blunt Rochester Statement Following Comey Firing


Date: May 9, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL) issued the following statement after learning that President Trump abruptly fired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director, James Comey:

"Firing Director Comey at a time when the FBI is investigating Russian ties to the Trump campaign and the presidential election is suspect to say the least. Furthermore, Attorney General Sessions rightly recused himself from any investigation into cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia, yet he made a recommendation to President Trump that Director Comey be fired. Rather than building confidence and providing Congress - and the American people with answers, we are left only with more questions as a result of the actions of the Trump Administration."

"What we know for sure is that there has never been a more pressing time for a special prosecutor and an independent investigation into Russian ties to President Trump and the presidential election. Calmer heads must prevail and we must put politics aside to protect our democracy. We cannot allow public trust in the Department of Justice or in our government as a whole to be eroded because partisanship is prioritized over the truth. The American people deserve answers, and we in Congress must do everything in our power to ensure they get them."
