Supporting Veteran Students of Closed Schools is Aim of Bipartisan McCaskill Effort

Press Release

Date: July 11, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Aiming to support veteran students in the event of a closure of their college or university, U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill is backing a bipartisan bill to restore educational assistance benefits spent at a shuttered institution.

"Veterans who served their country honorably deserve every opportunity to get an education and start a new career when they leave the service," said McCaskill, the daughter of a World War II veteran and senior member of the Armed Services Committee. "But some of these for-profit schools ripped off students, didn't produce job-ready graduates, and went out of business--and we've got to make sure veteran students aren't left footing the bill."

In the event of a school closure, such as the shuttering of for-profit institution ITT Tech, students are allowed the option of discharging their federal student loans, while veterans are not offered a similar option through their GI Bill benefits. The Veterans Education Relief and Restoration Act would ensure that veteran students would not be charged towards their educational assistance for money spent at closed institutions. In addition, the bill gives the VA the authority to continue monthly housing benefits provided under the GI Bill until the end of the current semester or four months post-closure so veterans are not left without housing.

McCaskill is a strong advocate for ensuring the men and women who served their country receive the benefits they deserve, as well as fighting to make college more affordable and focusing on producing job-ready graduates. Last year, she signed onto legislation that would close a loophole that allows for-profit colleges and universities to inappropriately profit from educational benefits accrued by servicemembers and veterans.

McCaskill was a vocal supporter of the 21st Century GI Bill, which provided the greatest boost to veterans' higher education benefits since World War II. McCaskill was also a leading advocate for the VOW to Hire Heroes Act to help put more veterans back to work.
