Congressman Austin Scott Votes to Toughen North Korea, Russia, Iran Sanctions

Press Release

Date: July 25, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08), the only Georgia Congressman on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), released the following statement upon the U.S. House of Representatives passing the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (H.R. 3364), using political and economic sanctions to hold North Korea, Iran, and Russia accountable for aggressive acts, including ICBM tests, support for terrorist organizations, and interventions in neighboring countries.

"It's certainly no secret that we live in a world of ever-increasing threats, and in the wake of these increased security threats, it is as important as ever to ensure our critical security alliances continue to prosper," said Rep. Scott. "Today's House passage of stricter sanctions towards North Korea, Iran, and Russia is a step forward in giving the United States critical leverage towards regimes that continue to threaten our interests and those of our friends and allies around the world."

In June, Rep. Scott was a part of a Congressional Delegation led by HASC Chairman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) to four Asian countries, including South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore. The purpose of this trip was to reassure the world of the United States' commitment to the East Asia region and our commitment to work on an international basis to try to solve the problem with regard to Kim Jong-un and North Korea.
