Linda Sánchez and Paul Cook Introduce Bipartisan "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" Resolution

Press Release

Date: March 22, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Linda T. Sánchez (CA-38) and Representative Paul Cook (CA-8) today introduced legislation to honor Vietnam War veterans. The resolution, H.Res.214, designates the last Saturday in March as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" and coincides with the anniversary of the day when the last United States combat troops completed their service and left Vietnam. Reps. Sánchez and Cook introduced this resolution in 2016.

Rep. Linda Sánchez: "From 1961 to 1975 millions of young men and women bravely answered the call to duty and fought in the Vietnam War. However, they never received the appropriate recognition when they returned home. Today, states and cities all across our country have adopted "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day' resolutions to recognize the sacrifices made by our Vietnam veterans. It is time for our country to officially recognize and commemorate their service. I'm proud to introduce this resolution with Rep. Paul Cook, a decorated Marine and Vietnam veteran, on behalf of our veterans who fought bravely in the Vietnam War."

Rep. Paul Cook: "When I was a California State Assemblyman, I led the successful fight to establish "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day' for California. Now I'm proud to continue this fight on the federal level. I'll never forget the men and women who served with me in Vietnam. Their courage and heroism in a war zone is something that inspires and drives me every day to fight for veterans. The sacrifice of this generation of veterans cannot be underestimated or forgotten. I thank Congresswoman Sánchez for joining me in introducing this resolution."
