Rep. Bass Introduces the "Yemen Security and Humanity Act" In Continual Effort Combat Impending Famine

Press Release

Date: June 7, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Aid

Today, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) introduced H.R. 2795, which calls for immediate action to avert famine in Yemen and to address the longer term security concerns there. The bill would increase coordination in Yemen's famine-risk areas and require a comprehensive report by Departments of State, Defense, and USAID on U.S. security and humanitarian interests.

"The most devastating aspect of the impending famine in Yemen is that it's man-made and preventable," Rep. Bass, Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Africa, said. "This legislation is designed to immediately build a comprehensive strategy to address the humanitarian and security crisis in Yemen. We must continue to be an international leader in famine aid and relief. I look forward to my colleagues' continued advocacy on this disastrous issue and thank them for their continued vigilance to end famine now."

"I'm pleased to join Ranking Member Bass on this measure," said Rep. Joe Crowley, Chairman of the Democratic Caucus. "The world needs to come together to help address the dangers of famine, and this bill is an important step in the right direction."

"While the people of Yemen starve, the United States is supporting morally reprehensible arms deals that worsen this preventable humanitarian crisis. This must change," said Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). "I urge Congress to restore our leadership on the world stage and pass this lifesaving legislation to ensure much needed relief reaches the innocent men, women and children in war-torn Yemen."

"The famine in war-torn Yemen is a humanitarian crisis that the world simply cannot ignore," said Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee (D-Texas). "According to the latest United Nation's figures, more than 7 million people, many of them small children, now face extreme hunger. That is why I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of this critical legislation that creates the framework to devise a comprehensive plan offering hope to the many who are suffering and in need of relief."

The bill's introduction comes after the inclusion of nearly $1 billion in famine relief in the omnibus package passed last month. Rep. Bass's resolution on South Sudan passed in the House at the end of April.
