Meng Issues Statement on Queens Museum's Decision to Cancel Commemoration and Reenactment of 1947 United Nations Vote for the Establishment of Israel


Date: Aug. 16, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) today issued the following statement on the Queens Museum's decision to cancel a commemoration and reenactment of the 1947 United Nations vote for the establishment of Israel.

"The decision by the Queens Museum is puzzling and it's bizarre that such an outstanding facility in our borough would pull the plug on a project to celebrate not just the establishment of Israel, but a key piece of Queens history.

Personally, I do not see how this project is "political.' How is commemorating a major world event that took place in Queens and the U.N's establishment of one of America's closest allies political?

The museum and Israeli Mission already agreed to this reenactment of the U.N. vote, and planning for it was well underway before the museum backtracked.

The museum should reverse its decision and allow the event to take place as scheduled."
