Shea-Porter Statement on House Passage of Perkins Career and Technical Education Reauthorization


Date: June 22, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) today released the following statement after the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill reauthorizing the Perkins Career and Technical Education program. As a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Shea-Porter sent the bill to the House floor earlier this month:

"I am pleased that the House today passed a bipartisan bill that will strengthen career and technical education in New Hampshire and across the nation. In New Hampshire, the Perkins Career and Technical Education program helps nearly 10,000 high school students and 20,000 post-secondary students gain the skills they need to succeed in today's workforce. The reauthorization we passed today both strengthens this critical program and helps it adapt to the needs of the 21st century economy."
