St. Francis Dam Memorial Act Unanimously Passes House

Press Release

Date: July 11, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Today, H.R. 2156, the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act, introduced by Representative Steve Knight (CA-25), unanimously passed the U.S. House and next moves to the Senate.

"Receiving full bipartisan support from my House colleagues is a true honor to the constituents of the 25th district," said Rep. Knight. "Our community suffered a great loss after the Saint Francis Dam disaster and this legislation will finally commemorate the tragedy with the respect it deserves."

H.R. 2156, the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act, would create a national memorial at the site of the 1928 St. Francis Dam Disaster in the San Francisquito Canyon, which claimed the lives of 431 people. The memorial would be funded by private donations to an independent foundation, the Saint Francis Dam Disaster Memorial Foundation, and establish a 440 acre national monument encompassing the designated national memorial area that was devastated in the resulting flood.

"H.R 2156 will secure a beautiful memorial site for those lives lost and greatly affected by a devastating failure in our civil engineering history," said Rep. Knight. "Santa Clarita Valley has never forgotten this tragedy and recognition, on a national scale, is greatly appreciated. Families of those lost will know their loved one is not forgotten."

The legislation is similar to a measure authored by Knight and co-sponsored by Rep Julia Brownley (CA-26) last Congress, which also passed the House of Representatives with unanimous support. House Natural Resources Committee unanimously passed H.R. 2156 last month. Many local leaders, including the Santa Clarita City Council have publicly expressed support for Knight's bill and look forward to further actions in the Senate.

"This request for a memorial has been an ongoing effort for years and I look forward to future movement of this bill as it serves as a great tribute to the devastation of the Saint Francis Dam disaster," said Rep. Knight.
